
Initial Acupuncture Treatment (1 to 1-1/4 hr) – $165

Follow-up Acupuncture Treatments (30 to 45 min) – $115

Initial Chiropractic/VMM Treatment – $165

Follow-up Chiropractic/VMM Treatment – $115

Add on VMM/Acupuncture – $55 initial, $40 follow up

Laser add-on: $40

For an additional pet seen at the same appointment time:

Initial Acu/Chiro Treatment (additional pet) – $90

Follow up Acu/Chiro Treatments (additional pet) – $70

These prices are for the inner Portland area updated May 2022. There is an additional fee to travel to outer Portland and surrounding inner suburbs, ranging from $10 – $30 depending on the distance. Dr Hoyt will let you know this fee before your appointment. Services provided outside of Portland are dependent upon availability, and are limited to Oregon. (No services in Washington)